Seven years ago, I met my soul mate and six years ago I married him. It was only by chance we even met. Had I not been convinced to go somewhere I didn't want to go that night...I probably would have never met him. We are the first ones to admit that our first year of marriage was not all it was cracked up to be but we made it. We were able to mesh our lifestyles together and create our own. We now value each other's differences and have learned so much about each other. I was talking with a friend the other day about how DR and I met. I was able to realize then what a special man I had met. We only dated for about six months before we were pregnant with our first child and we were married five months later. People commented on how fast our dating was and how we hadn't even been with each other's families before we sailed right into our lives. If any of the kids ever did that to me....I'd have a heart attack! I'm sure DR's parents had their questions, but we didn't ever feel as if this wasn't right. I'm sure others said we would never make it...they thought we were crazy. We just know that it was meant to be. Here we years later, four gorgeous children between us, and many beautiful moments together. We are so much stronger than we were at the beginning and I know that bond is only going to strengthen with time. It's amazing at how close we have become in just seven short years. Here are at our 6th anniversary...we have a long way to go to our destination but we're making it. I am so proud of my husband. I am simply proud of the kind of man he is, his morals and values, his attitude on life but most of all his love for his family. His devotion to me and the kids would make most women green with envy. I love him for his stubborness but also his willingness to do anything under the sun for me our our children. I love that he is content to just be at home with just his family...instead of wanting to go, go, go. I am just so proud to be his wife. I could not ask for more. How is it you can take two completely different people from two entirely different backgrounds and life experiences and bring them together to make one perfect couple? I don't know the answer but I'm not going to question it. As you can tell, I'm a little in love with my husband. I do get irritated with him I KNOW does he with me! But, for today....I am loving him and everything that he brings to my life. |